Website Content for LOCAL Businesses
a Writer who leans into….
Website Content for small business!
If you’re in L.A. for a visit or live here, you’ll find everything on my website about the San Fernando Valley, L.A.’s big backyard. My homage to my current hometown and local businesses is found at (Due to my mom’s long illness I had to stop writing the monthly column for a few years but will resume soon; there’s plenty of information that remains the same like golf course locations, local history, etc.)
Trained to shop locally
I’ve had a small online business for 16 years. Before that, I created a small business “Afterschool Art Studio,” long before the YCMA stepped into provide programs at schools for kids. I hired five art teachers and took art classes to schools for seven years.
That’s part of the reason why I write San Fernando Valley, but there’s another reason, too: my dad was a small town merchant back when every town had a JC Penney’s store. Working his way up the chain of command meant moving from one little town to the next bigger one — lots of moving in my growing up. But we were raised on small-town boosterism.
Before the birth of malls. My dad and the local merchants’ associations put on lots of events to get shoppers into town. Our babysitter was a full day of free movies at the theater on Saturdays so moms could shop child-free (and most families had four kids). There’d be cherry pie give-aways on Washington’s birthday, and street parties with markdown racks — this all before the first mall ever appeared. But one thing these merchants knew when the first mall debuted, and freeways were being built around towns, local downtowns would become a dying species. They rightfully predicted their own demise.
It’s taken 60 years for some to come back. A community has to value its downtown core. Small businesses are the backbone — asked to sponsor many things in the community. We were taught to “shop local” in the sixties — in fact, we were never allowed to go to the mall! Except, we got to go iceskating once at Portland’s Lloyd Center. As a sixth grader, living 30 minutes out in a small town, this was monumental! However, being raised to shop locally, I am mindful of the positive impact my dollars have when spent on Main Street.
B2B Copy in support of your small business
Developing clear, persuasive ideas for your business copy is my business , too. What needs to be said? Or sold? Can your clients find you among a billion websites?
The internet is all about communication through writing — more than amazing visuals, sound, and music. Good writing and lots of it! From writing your email campaigns, email newsletters, online video scripts, brochures, or your personal case study, you need a variety of high performance copy to sell your business. Five years of writing radio scripts taught me to focus on the relevant details, and produce a good story! Let’s tell your story to your clients across all media.
I wrote the content for this boutique entertainment booking agency:
I wrote the original content and took all the photos for L.A.’s largest animal business, my daughter’s former business:
In addition to writing the website content, I also wrote the owner’s eBooks offered on her website, and write the blog:
Love this shot of Los Angeles! So much to write about!
Our JCPenney’s fashionista family in 1968. I’m in the plaid coat.
Emmett, Idaho, where my Dad first got to manage his own JC Penney’s store. We aspired to a much fancier store like the San Fernando building here in the valley. Opened in 1953, closed in 2012, one of the last small town stores to last so long. End of an era for me when the doors closed.